Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The Smartest Floor
Well it's official, 1B is the smartest floor at college. Our team won the Monsterbrain finals! The final score was 110 to 20. Damn it was amazing watching them (MJ, Angus and Vikram) play. Wohah.
My human evolution tute today some people gave their presentation, and u have to do them with models / real skulls from the cupboard, so it was great if ur not doing urs. (mine is next term).
I never realised how tiny aegyptopithecus skulls are! they are so cute - but they are so tiny! the whole skull is smaller than my hand! wow
And one we looked at was gigantopithecus - they stood 3m tall, and the male had a lower jaw about teh height of a human skull. rather impressive.
Experienced At |4:52 PM|
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Monday, August 21, 2006
First round of Monsterbrain (our trivia competition) was yesterday. Our team (the 1B team) was MJ, Angus and Vikram. We absolutely kicked ass in the comp. We won 320 to 95 points. Angus was absolutely brilliant, and Vikram and MJ did very well too. I think our floor has a chance of winning!
Experienced At |4:31 PM|
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Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Burgmann Ball
It just occured to me that I completely forgot to blog about saturday!
Well lying in bed I got a call from Wilson - Stephen was down in Canberra and the 3 of us decided to meet up. So I actually got up (a very difficult thing to do on a saturday morning) and caught a bus over to Belco. We were gonna see a movie but nothing finished in time for me to get back to Burgies, so we just went back to UC and hung out. We started a game of monopoly but it didn't go very far ...
So yeah I got back to ANU at 4:15, then it was time to get ready for Burg Ball!!!! Mel suggested I put the curlers in to heat at 4:30 so I did, then when they were ready Mel put them in my hair for me. So then waiting with heavy rollers on my head aargh. But when Mel took them out it was nice - Mel did a really great job. So then everyone got all dolled up and looked so gorgeous! It was amazing.
We went off in the bus to Old Parliament House and had our Burg Ball. Free wine, beer and champagne. The food was great - the pudding was unbelievable - absolute heaven - chocolate mouse in a chocolate heart with rasberries. Oh yum. And the music was good so there was a lot of dancing. It was amazing.
Possible when I come back to Sydney I may post some photos from ANU.
Experienced At |4:26 PM|
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Thursday, August 03, 2006
Ancient Weapons
Today was the best ARCH tute ever!!
We were examining artifacts today - we got to hold axes that are half a million years old, hold spearheards, blades and other stoneage stuff. It was so cool - the stone was so smooth, and you just think that half a million years ago primitive homo species made it ... wow.
We also held Roman pottery etc.
The best tute ever. Next week we look at casts of skulls.
Experienced At |3:58 PM|
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Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Sweet Adeline
Yeah Yeah I know I havn't posted much Keira, but you don't exactly post much recently either :P. Besides, I'm posting now.
Today is a pretty good day. It is Chinmayee's birthday, and we're having a party tonight.
My friend Joe's band was playing in Union Court today, so I skipped bio and went to watch - they were so awesome!! I knew they were good, I didn't know they were that good! I bought their CD - it's on the network, but its only fair to buy that one. Keep an eye and an ear out for them guys, Sweet Adeline is absolutely fantastic. They are fabulous.
Hmmn that's about all I've got to say... Got a call from GIO today about the accident I saw, so I guess its all being dealt with now.
Experienced At |4:41 PM|
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