Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The Smartest Floor
Well it's official, 1B is the smartest floor at college. Our team won the Monsterbrain finals! The final score was 110 to 20. Damn it was amazing watching them (MJ, Angus and Vikram) play. Wohah.
My human evolution tute today some people gave their presentation, and u have to do them with models / real skulls from the cupboard, so it was great if ur not doing urs. (mine is next term).
I never realised how tiny aegyptopithecus skulls are! they are so cute - but they are so tiny! the whole skull is smaller than my hand! wow
And one we looked at was gigantopithecus - they stood 3m tall, and the male had a lower jaw about teh height of a human skull. rather impressive.
Experienced At |4:52 PM|
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