Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Sweet Adeline
Yeah Yeah I know I havn't posted much Keira, but you don't exactly post much recently either :P. Besides, I'm posting now.
Today is a pretty good day. It is Chinmayee's birthday, and we're having a party tonight.
My friend Joe's band was playing in Union Court today, so I skipped bio and went to watch - they were so awesome!! I knew they were good, I didn't know they were that good! I bought their CD - it's on the network, but its only fair to buy that one. Keep an eye and an ear out for them guys, Sweet Adeline is absolutely fantastic. They are fabulous.
Hmmn that's about all I've got to say... Got a call from GIO today about the accident I saw, so I guess its all being dealt with now.
Experienced At |4:41 PM|
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