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.::My life::.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

First on the scene

A rather scary thing happened last night. I was up late, on my computer, and I heard someone coming down the road at high speed, then a massive skid, then a louder screech like someone ramming the wheel to the side, and stepping on the brakes hard. Then two loud bangs. Nana heard a bit of it, and mum was asleep. None of the neighbours noticed at all.

I went outside with mum, we had a quick look, couldn't see anything. We were going inside when I saw a glinting. I checked, and it was the smashed windscreen. The car was lying on its side, with the underside facing the road. Good God, no-one else saw it - it was too far off the side of the road for cars to see it...

We called 000 and they asked us to check if anyone was in it. It looked like no-one could have survived it - the car was squished awfully, and both doors were crushed (one under the vehicle, the other just on top). I shone my torch inside the windscreen, and honestly I excpected to see blood and a corpse. It was the most terrific mess. I could not see any body, and no possible way of exiting the vehicle. When the police came, they looked but couldn't find the driver and no means of ejection. They were going to call the dog squad.

A little while later, when the tow truck was there, they found the driver. I think she was unconcious crumpled up on the floor. The police guy said she was 'alright' - inside the ambulance being taken to hospital. She is bloody lucky to be alive. I looked at the skid marks and the debris this morning, and she must have been going at over 100 to hit the wall with enough force to spin the car 270 degrees and flip it onto its side.

The neighbour's rock wall and postbox are completely destroyed. God no-one else noticed the car, if I hadn't seen the moonlight glinting she would have been trapped in there until the morning. God it was terrifying being first on the scene and having to look for a body. Thank god the poor kid is alive.

Only I can't feel too sorry for her because the police opinion is that she was drunk coming back from a party and going at enourmous speed. There is so much damage, it was a god-awful accident. I feel sorry for her parents. Especially as the neighbours will have to mount a civil law suit to claim damages, and I might be called as a witness. Fun.

Good to know I don't freak in a crisis though. I was oddly calm, and business-like. It was so confusing we and then the police couldn't find the driver at first. I guess she woke up and groaned when they started moving the car. Anyway rather scary. She was a green P plater.

Experienced At |11:57 AM|

* * *


I'm just grateful she chose a wall to crash into, and not some other car. Usually the innocent come off second best in those case - but the moral there is not to be the guilty party anyway.
But hey, at least you get risk-free experience with our legal system... that might be fun. Or tedious and drawn out, and only fun if bureaucracy is your thing. Should be interesting, anyway. Ciao.
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