Sunday, October 31, 2004
shit life sucks right now. I'm at home babysitting my dogs and my sick brother while the neighbours play "The Macarina" extremely loud next door outside whil they swim in the fucking pool. On top of that my brother just used my grandma's computer and stuffed it up big time - it took me 45 minutes to make the stupid thing useable again. Shit. And I still have 3 hours of study to do!!!!
Experienced At |1:39 PM|
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Friday, October 29, 2004
Just bloggin to say i'm feeling better today. On wednsesday there was a massive wind - and a tree fell down at school - over the teacher's car park. Mrs Owen's new car was badly dented and this photographer was almost killed - 1 second slower and he would have been - he jumped into the car as it came down - it ended up halfway in his car. I was also told later that a massive branch had fallen near the art building and almost killed two students. When I got home I found out one of those two was my little brother. Kinda scary well cya.
Experienced At |8:06 PM|
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Oh God
Oh god what a hellish day
Yesterday the bus before us hit a dog and when we drove past there was blood and guts all over the road and a woman standing there crying over the little bundle in the street. Oh god it was terrible. The blood was still there this morning. Oh god its been haunting me all day - jus that same stupid ditto over and over again - "blood on the road, blood on the road, there's blood on the road". I need to talk to someone about this I think - it's driving me crazy. good god it was not my dog, i didn't kill it - i wasn't even on the bus that killed it but i still feel so awful. What if it had been one of mine? I've never written down thoughts before but i have to externalize this or i will go insane. I will never forget the horror of all that blood and that woman crying over her dog. I feel so awful and all i saw was the aftereffects. I didn't even see the poor thing die. But you can't help feeling oh god what if that was my dog. I ... oh god this is stupid its a bloody computer i'm blurting my heart out to. What is the bloody point? and all the while there is blood on the road. There is still blood on the road.
Experienced At |9:43 PM|
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Monday, October 04, 2004
teeeehhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we have invaaaddeeeeedddddddddddddddddddddddd-ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
hellooooooooooooo... my name is Darth Vader... I live on the Death Star... join the dark side!!!
hehehehehehe..... ask............................. out....................._____________
We are going to sell Steph as a slave soon!
Save your money.... hahaha
Experienced At |11:07 AM|
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Saturday, October 02, 2004
My Friends
Okay people - a little bit of information about the people I like to think are my friends
Jasha - short, big nose
Josh - odd
Terry - lives at fastlink
Keira - obsessed with horses
Tim - disturbing
Amelia - Mrs Sloth
Chris - South African
Peter - Sloth
Rishi - The Pom
Michael - Wolfboy
Stephen - wants to take over the world
Daniel - tall
Wilson - even more random than I am
Sue - the nicest person you'll ever meet
Lucy - drama queen
Ha Ha Ha - No offence guys
Experienced At |11:54 PM|
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Oompa Loompa Purple Pineapple
Hi People I'm new
Experienced At |6:54 PM|
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