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.::My life::.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

What's Been Happening

Hi guys!

I know I haven’t posted in absolute ages, I’ve been really very busy. Now I am going to go through my diary, from the last time I posted, and write down in chronological order everything interesting that has happened since then. This therefore will be an abnormally long post.

30th May

Went to see X-Men 3! It was an absolutely awesome movie. I loved it, thought it was the best one so far. The cinema in Canberra is tiny! I went with Alex, Hugh, Chinmayee, Allision, and Bart. LMAO Bart rode in the boot. The bit after the credits was nice, and Hugh Jackman as Wolverine was drop dead gorgeous as always.

2nd June

Terry and Jasha came!!! Yay!! It was so awesome to see them, I’d been looking forward to it for absolute ages! They came over and met me at ANU, after the silly boys got lost. We had hot chocolate, and they met some of my uni friends. It was heaps fun. I missed them when they left.

3rd June

Terry, Jasha and I went off to Questacon! It was heaps of fun, of course, but cute Questacon boy wasn’t there L. Terry paid for my ticket the sweetheart, and wouldn’t let me pay him back. Met Diwa there too – she works there. Then I went over to the YHA, and then the boys walked me back to ANU, where we all hung out, and I got ready to go out.

Siobhan came took, and we went out to Mooseheads, and met Daniel and his friends, then off to Shooters and met Wilson, Caitlin and Adam. It was certainly an experience. It was great to see my friends again, but I couldn’t dance, I don’t know why, but I don’t feel comfortable dancing in front of my school friends … I was so tired, and Terry paid for a taxi home and came with me. He really is a fantastic friend.

8th June

My POLS 1002 Exam. Damn I am so glad that little experience is over. At least it wasn’t too bad.

9th June

Had fun today – we put my TV out in convo, and a whole group of us watched Bend it Like Beckham. Was a lot of fun.

11th June

A whole lot of us went down to the lake and sent off some gorgeous fireworks. It was awesome, they were so beautiful. Chowy wanted to set one off on the highway, but we talked him out of it for fairly obvious reasons.

13th June

OMG the FUNNIEST thing ever happened in convo on the 13th. MJ, Maguire, Mickey G, Shannon and I were sitting in convo talking, as usual, about sex. Eventually it turned to whether it was better to be a girl or a guy. I was laughing my head off. MJ decided I was an honoury guy. Still not sure why, since I had just said "I’m so glad I’m a girl right now."

Anyway then Maguire piped up: "Naw, pair like those you'e DEFINITELY female." Followed a few seconds later by: "I'm talking about ur tits u know!" God, what do you say to that? We all just laughed and laughed and I said I’ll take that as a compliment. Lol it was so very funny.

16th June

BIOL 1003 exam is over!! Dam that is an awesome feeling. Oddly the exam was sort of enjoyable, in a weird kind of way.

18th June

10 of us went over to Doctor Phil’s (at 1:30am, I guess that counts as the 19th) and we all watched the Brazil v Australia match. It was heaps fun.

23rd June

PHIL 1004 exam. Exams over!!! Oh god that always feels so good. I went out with Phoebe, Kristen, Chinmayee, Jenny and Zoe. We went to Shooters, Moose Upstairs, and Nitro. It was SO much fun!! Second most fun I have ever had, the most being my 18th. It was so awesome, and I danced and danced. So much damn fun. I really don’t know why I can’t dance in front of my school friends, coz I was up on the podiums with uni people. Odd.

24th June

Came back to Sydney. It’s good to be home, but I also miss aspects of living away from home. God I hope lots of things get organized for this holidays. I want to see everyone from school some time.

Experienced At |1:19 AM|

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.::Wish List::.

Dr Who Season 1

Myst 4: Revelation



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