Thursday, July 13, 2006
They say good things come in threes. Apparently so do shocks.
Yesterday I got another 2 rather nasty shocks.
1. Driving back from Curves with my grandma, I was goiong rather slowly coz roadworks were happening, when two roadworkers got into a fight. The big one pushed the little one right into the path of my car!! Bloody moron!! I was going slow enough to be able to avoid him by swerving a bit to the right, but any faster or a car on the right and I would have hit him. God what an idiot!!
2. Driving to Wilson's, a dog darted out in front of the car. Thank God nothing was behind me, so I slammed the brakes (damn that makes a loud screeching noise) and stopped less than a foot from the dog, which promptly gave me a dirty look and ran off.'
Fun few days ...
Experienced At |12:38 PM|
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